INEEW IT ¿Qué crees que puede aportar la educación emocional a la educación social? Emotional education aims to develop emotional competencies that should be understood as basic life skills. One of these competencies is related to social skills. In fact, social and emotional competen... Educación social Education Emotional Education 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Competencias emocionales en la educación social: Relevancia y aplicaciones prácticas en la investigación educativa Question: In the paper on emotional competencies written with Núria Pérez Escoda, you highlight their application in different areas, and we see that, I quote verbatim, “practical applications in educ... Educación social Education Emotional Education 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Educación Emocional y mundo laboral: Ventajas y desarrollo de las inteligencias múltiples Question: Does emotional education bring advantages for later integration into the workforce? What advantages would those be? How can multiple intelligences and emotional intelligence be developed in ... Beneficios Education Emotional Intelligence in the workplace Laboral ROI 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Es conveniente trabajar las inteligencias múltiples y inteligencia emocional a lo largo de la vida? It is very necessary. The development of emotional competencies is a process that should start at birth within the family, be present throughout the entire educational journey—early childhood educatio... Aplicación Beneficios Education Emotional Inteligence Laboral ROI Vida 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Qué sentido tiene hablar de inteligencia emocional en el ámbito educativo? It is an aspect of attending to the development of the integral personality. Education has almost strictly focused on cognitive or intellectual development. But it is also important to address emotion... Education IE 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Qué hace diferentes a los alumnos que son más emocionalmente inteligentes de los otros? One aspect of emotional intelligence is the ability to regulate one's own emotions. This is very helpful in conflict situations, for preventing violence, and for being able to listen, among many other... Alumnos Beneficios Education ROI 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Bajo su punto de vista ¿en qué medida es importante la IE en la vida de los alumnos? It is very important. If we analyze the conflicts and difficulties in educational centers, we would probably come to the conclusion that most of them are a clear manifestation of the prevailing emotio... Alumnos Education IE 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Podemos desarrollar la IE de los alumnos? ¿Es posible o adecuado hacerlo en el contexto escolar o académico? Emotional intelligence can be developed. The best way to do so is to start in the family context, followed by early childhood, primary, and secondary education. Just because it is possible does not me... Aplicación Education IE 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Existen programas que se hayan mostrado eficaces para desarrollar la IE? Yes, there are many programs that have shown positive effects. In my opinion, these programs must be adapted to the context in which they will be applied; they cannot be implemented blindly. In other ... Aplicación Education IE 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Qué beneficios pueden obtener los alumnos de participar en un programa de desarrollo de la IE? If implemented properly and with the necessary dedication, the observed benefits include a greater ability to regulate emotions, a reduction in violent behaviors, improved impulse control, the ability... Alumnos Beneficios Education ROI 26 feb 2025