Educación Emocional y mundo laboral: Ventajas y desarrollo de las inteligencias múltiples


Does emotional education bring advantages for later integration into the workforce? What advantages would those be? How can multiple intelligences and emotional intelligence be developed in the workplace?


Among the advantages of emotional education for entering the workforce are the following: emotional self-management when overcoming job selection tests (prevention of anxiety and stress), greater social competence during a job interview, higher tolerance for frustration in case of not being selected (which is highly probable), preventing the loss of enthusiasm to continue trying, resilience in the face of adversity, creativity in providing immediate responses, etc. All of this has been shown to increase the chances of getting a job, as companies prefer candidates who demonstrate a clear mastery of these competencies when conditions are equal. Multiple intelligences and emotional intelligence can be developed through specific training. The false idea that this is easy to achieve must be discarded. Emotional competencies are among the most difficult to develop. For this reason, the University of Barcelona created the Postgraduate Program in Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, with the intention of training specialists who can contribute to introducing emotional intelligence dynamics and processes into companies.

Educación Emocional y mundo laboral: Ventajas y desarrollo de las inteligencias múltiples
INEEW IT 26 febbraio 2025
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Aplicación de la inteligencia emocional en el aula: Estrategias para docentes y estudiantes