The strategies are numerous, and some should be applied simultaneously. Among them are the following:
· Strategies for organizing and planning the implementation of the emotional education program, understood as a team effort among the teachers. This involves a clear and visible commitment from the school leadership.
· Develop a sequential program that spans the various academic years with the involvement of a large number of teachers, and ideally all of them
· Distribute content across subjects and courses to avoid unnecessary repetition while making it clear to students and families that this is a , not just a personal preference of one teacher.
· Once the contextual requirements and strategies are clear, it’s important to apply active and participatory teaching techniques, such as:
- Group dynamics like role-playing, dramatization, Phillips 6/6 (a group brainstorming method)
- Introspection, self-analysis, breathing exercises, meditation, relaxation, mindfulness
- Simulation, emotional imagination, cognitive restructuring, successive approximations, causal attribution change, belief analysis, self-esteem development
- Emotional awareness and regulation, emotional autonomy, socioemotional competencies, conscious well-being, etc.
These strategies aim to create a holistic approach to developing emotional intelligence across all areas of learning.
26 febbraio 2025
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¿Qué estrategias recomienda usted para trabajar el cerebro emocional, ejecutivo y cognitivo a la luz de la implementación de un programa de educación emocional?