Parafraseando a Stendhal cuando habla del amor, ¿Es demasiado radical decir que sin pasión nos perdemos la parte más bella de la vida?

Romantic literature reflects people's passions. It is true that certain passions represent intense emotions that make us feel alive. However, as we’ve mentioned, some passions can make life bitter. When talking about emotions and passions, we enter into complexity. Simple answers don't match reality. Often, the answer is yes for some passions and no for others. The challenge lies in knowing how to distinguish between them and understanding what the appropriate behavior is in each case. This has to do with emotional intelligence.

Parafraseando a Stendhal cuando habla del amor, ¿Es demasiado radical decir que sin pasión nos perdemos la parte más bella de la vida?
INEEW IT 26 febbraio 2025
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¿Cuál es su punto de vista personal, más allá de sus conocimientos científicos, sobre la Pasión?