INEEW IT La pasión en el mapa de las emociones: Influencia y conexión con el universo emocional Question: The definition of Passion and its placement on the Emotional Map. What is the relationship between Passion and the rest of the emotions, and how does it affect the individual's behavior? Doe... Emociones Pasión Universo de emociones 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿La pasión entiende de Edad? Si es así, ¿Cuál es su expresividad en cada una de las fases de la vida: The younger we are, the more emotional impulsivity we have, and thus, the more intense our emotions (passions) can be. As we age, emotions tend to become softer (lower activation), and we are less pas... Emociones Pasión Vida 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Se puede definir la pasión de forma diferente en cada una de las edades y etapas de la vida? ¿Cuál es la etapa más apasionada acorde con su definición pura? Passion is an emotional experience that can be defined as a very strong emotional response. The semantics come from the Latin word patior , which means to suffer passively, without being able to do an... Emociones Pasión Vida 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿La gente sin pasión puede ser feliz o tener éxito? Authentic happiness is not an intense and brief passion. It is more of a state of well-being characterized by the experience of positive emotions, of medium or low intensity, such as love (not infatua... Emociones Felicidad Pasión 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Cuál es la receta o la mejor combinación de emociones para la plenitud vital? ¿Y la combinación mínima? There is no one-size-fits-all recipe. Each person must find their own elixir. For example, some people enjoy activities like bungee jumping, hang gliding, canyoning, or any extreme sport, while others... Emociones Plenitud vital 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Y la parte del Color de la Pasión. ¿Hasta qué punto influyen los colores en las emociones? ¿Y en la Pasión? Emotional chromatics is a topic still pending research. There is a certain tendency to associate fear with dark, gloomy colors; hope with green; joy with light colors, such as yellow; love with the co... Colores Emociones 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Parafraseando a Stendhal cuando habla del amor, ¿Es demasiado radical decir que sin pasión nos perdemos la parte más bella de la vida? Romantic literature reflects people's passions. It is true that certain passions represent intense emotions that make us feel alive. However, as we’ve mentioned, some passions can make life bitter. Wh... Emociones Pasión Vida 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Las emociones negativas duran más? As the specialist mentions in his book Psychopedagogy of Emotions , some negative emotions can be risk factors, triggering diseases or activating risky behaviors. "Chronically high levels of negative ... Duración Emociones IE 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Estrés "It is not things themselves, but the way we evaluate them that affects us. What matters is not the situation itself, but its cognitive interpretation," says Bisquerra. Stress is a physical and specif... Emociones Estrés 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Ansiedad "Many people go to the doctor because they feel unwell without knowing exactly what is happening to them in a physical sense. Deep down, what they are experiencing is emotional discomfort, even if the... Ansiedad Emociones 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT La tristeza y la depresión Sadness arises in response to the loss of valuable objects or loved ones. It is an emotion that predisposes a person to minimize activity, feel unmotivated, lack the desire to do anything, and seek is... Depresión Emociones Tristeza 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT El dolor y el sufrimiento Suffering is a complex and negative affective and cognitive state characterized by a sense of threat and helplessness in the face of adversity. Suffering leads us to respond emotionally based on how w... Dolor EE Emociones IE Sufrimiento 26 feb 2025