INEEW IT El dolor y el sufrimiento Suffering is a complex and negative affective and cognitive state characterized by a sense of threat and helplessness in the face of adversity. Suffering leads us to respond emotionally based on how w... Dolor EE Emociones IE Sufrimiento 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Qué es para usted Afectividad y emociones? ¿Dónde está la diferencia? If we refer to colloquial language, affectivity and emotionality could almost be considered synonyms. However, etymology and scientific research have contributed to our understanding of what emotion, ... Emociones positivas 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Educación Emocional en Venezuela: El docente como pilar para transformar la crisis de valores Question: In Venezuela, we are experiencing an emotional crisis, a crisis of values and principles, with a lot of aggressiveness, anger, emotional turmoil, and rage. You talk about controlling anger, ... EE Venezuela 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT El docente amoroso en Educación Física: Formación a través del deporte y la conexión humana Question: In the case of my specialty, as a Physical Education teacher, I have observed that through sports, we have certain domains over the students and have more closeness because the open classroo... EE Profesorado 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Cómo lo clasifica Erick Fromm en su libro el arte de amar? As Erich Fromm says, true love is manifested when there is a commitment for the good of the other. It can be the partner, the children, the students, the family, the colleagues, or the society at larg... Amor Emociones Erich Fromm 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT La afectividad en la docencia de Educación Física: Impacto en el hacer pedagógico Question: The name of my project is “Affectivity of the Physical Education Teacher in their Pedagogical Practice.” This research arises from observing the ways some teachers treat students: some are v... Educación Física Emotional Education 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT El docente de Educación Física: ¿Seriedad o conexión afectiva con los estudiantes? Question: Doctor, what do you think of a serious Physical Education teacher who doesn’t laugh in class, speaks little, doesn’t converse with their students? Do you think that is the ideal model? Answe... Educación Física Emotional Education 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Docentes desconectados: La falta de afectividad en la enseñanza Question: I’ve observed, among other things, teachers who limit themselves solely to teaching their class, talk very little with their students, and don’t offer a smile, a "it's okay, let’s share," bu... Educación Física Emotional Education 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT La industria de la nostalgia: El fascinante rescate del pasado Question: In recent years, what some philosophers have called "the nostalgia industry" has emerged, with phenomena like the TV show ‘Cuéntame lo que pasó’ or the book ‘Yo también fui a EGB’. Why do we... Nostalgia 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Is the growing inclination of adults toward nostalgia a symptom of our insecurity about the future? Words not only describe reality, but they also create realities. It’s enough to have certain cultural manifestations related to nostalgia, and speaking about it represents a reconstruction of reality ... Nostalgia 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT With nostalgia, we remember something from the past that perhaps wasn’t as good as we recall. Do we tend to idealize our past? There’s a saying, “any past time was better.” But this is an idealization of reality. We tend to forget the bad in order to survive. However, when we analyze it critically and objectively, there is ge... Nostalgia 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Why do some people struggle to live without clinging to their past? (People who think everything was better in the past, and there's no harmony between what was lived and the here and now.) Living through past memories and nostalgia is a characteristic of many people. They might be individuals who focus on valuing what they've lost: youth, loved ones, the dynamics of a particular time, e... Nostalgia 26 feb 2025