M4: Gestión de conflictos y adversidades
Learn solid knowledge about the fundamental concepts of conflict, stress, grief, and anger, and acquire practical strategies and concrete tools to apply in real-life situations.
Responsabile | INEEW |
Ultimo aggiornamento | 03/03/2025 |
Tempo di completamento | 5 ore 30 minuti |
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Introducción al módulo
4.1. Gestión de conflictos
4.1.5. Prueba objetiva: Gestión de conflictos
Start: March 2025
Mode: Online live
Duration: 6 weeks
Schedule: All sessions start at 7:00 PM (Spain time) with a duration of between 1.5 and 3 hours.
Price: 375€
Academic Direction: Rafael Bisquerra
Managing conflicts effectively is an essential but complex skill in any environment, and especially in the educational field where emotions play a crucial role in students' development. This course will not only equip you with solid knowledge of the fundamental concepts of conflict, stress, grief, and anger, but it will also offer you practical strategies and concrete tools to apply in real situations.
Throughout the program, you will explore in-depth the causes and types of conflicts in the educational environment, understanding the underlying dynamics and learning to identify the associated risk factors. Additionally, you will acquire advanced techniques to intervene proactively and preventively, creating an environment that fosters peaceful conflict resolution. Prepare to transform your approach and stand out as a leader in emotional management in education.
Sign up now and get ready to transform your relationships and emotional well-being!
Course contents
Este curso de Gestión de Conflictos y Adversidades te proporcionará las herramientas necesarias para abordar de manera efectiva los desafíos emocionales y los conflictos en cualquier entorno, con un enfoque tanto en la vida profesional como personal. Aprenderás a prevenir el estrés, manejar la frustración, regular la ira y gestionar las emociones en situaciones de duelo, todo ello con el objetivo de prevenir la violencia y fomentar un ambiente de paz. A lo largo del curso, profundizarás en la identificación de las causas y los tipos de conflictos, desarrollando estrategias prácticas para intervenir de forma proactiva y crear un entorno de aprendizaje positivo.

Rafael Bisquerra
Director of FEEM | Educational Guidance | Pedagogy | Psychology | Emotional Education

Mireia Cabero
Psychologist and High Performance Coach | Organizational Consultant | Chief Happiness Officer

Oriol Güell
Emotional Education in Conflict Management | Emotional Training and Stress Management
1. Introduction
2. Definition of conflict
3. Emotion and conflict
4. Types of conflicts
5. Process for conflict resolution
6. Conflict resolution strategies
7. Mediation
8. Key aspects in conflict prevention
9. Considerations for a coexistence program
10. Attention to diversity
11. Challenge for teachers in compulsory education levels
12. Resources for conflict prevention and management
13. Disruptive behaviors
14. Conclusions
1. Concept of stress
2. Origins of stress studies
3. Stressors
4. Stress assessment
5. Eustress and distress
6. Yerkes-Dodson law
7. Burnout
8. Stress management
9. Post-Traumatic stress
10. Stress prevention
11. Stress treatment
12. Stress reduction based on mindfulness
13. Stress in the educational world
14. Stress in organizations
15. NIOSH approach to work stress
16. Stress in clinical practice
17. Stress in other contexts
18. Fear, anxiety, and stress
1. Concept of frustration
2. Frustrating situation
3. Frustration and failure
4. Disappointment and frustration
5. Frustration tolerance
6. Frustration level and tolerance to frustration
7. Responses to frustration
8. Frustration and aggression
9. How to increase frustration tolerance?
1. Justification
2. Importance of anger management
3. Anger regulation programs and violence prevention
4. Moral development
5. Positive behavior
6. Systematic desensitization
7. Stress inoculation
8. Expanding ways of thinking: Shure and Spivack
9. Exposure and extinction
10. Applications to early childhood and primary education
11. Applications to adolescence
12. Conclusions
1. Concept of grief
2. Grief processing
3. External manifestations of grief
4. Typology of grief
5. Stages of grief according to Kübler-Ross
6. Stages of grief in the Iitegrative-relational model
7. Research on grief stages
8. Need for specialized help
9. Grief process and work
10. Mummification
11. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
12. Funeral rituals
13. Emotional education in child grief
14. Meaning in life and spirituality
The course consists of:
- More than 12 hours of live sessions with experts (see the faculty list) where you will combine theory and practice.
- Keynote lectures that will relate emotional education to other fields (artificial intelligence, neurology, etc.).
What material will you have at the end of the course:
- A complete dossier with all the content covered in the sessions.
- Activity proposals to put into practice each topic.
- Expanded bibliography so that, if you wish, you can continue to deepen your knowledge.
- Complementary resources: videos, articles, etc.
- Objective tests after each unit of the syllabus to check if you have acquired the necessary concepts.
You will have continuous support:
- Course coordinator
- Q&A space with experts
- Forum to interact with the FEEM community
Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:
About conflict:
- Understand the concept of conflict and its importance in education.
- Identify the main types of conflicts in the field of education.
- Identify the main risk factors that influence the emergence of conflictive and disruptive behaviors.
- Distinguish between different types of interventions aimed at preventing and managing conflicts.
- Apply practical activities for conflict management in the educational context.
About stress:
- Understand the concept of stress and its origins.
- Identify the main stressors.
- Know how to assess stress.
- Identify the main risk factors that influence the emergence of conflictive and disruptive behaviors.
- Know strategies to prevent, manage, and treat stress.
- Distinguish the different types of stress and the contexts in which they may appear.
- Differentiate between fear, anxiety, and stress.
- Apply practical activities for stress management.
About frustration:
- Understand the theoretical framework that supports interventions to increase frustration tolerance.
- Distinguish between the concepts of frustration tolerance level and the degree of frustration in frustrating situations.
- Distinguish between the concepts of frustration, failure, and disappointment.
- Master techniques to increase the level of frustration tolerance.
About anger regulation:
- Value anger management as an important aspect for preventing violence.
- Master strategies and techniques for anger regulation as a strategy for violence prevention.
- Expand thinking methods.
- Design strategies for anger regulation and violence prevention in children, primary, and adolescence.
About grief:
- Understand the characteristics of grief.
- Understand the grieving process and its stages.
- Be aware of the need for emotional work to attend to people in situations of grief.
- Understand the reactions of a child in a grieving situation.
- Develop competencies to accompany a child in situations of grief.
The course consists of:
- Más de 10 horas de sesiones en directo con expertos (ver el cuadro docente) en las que combinarás teoría y práctica.
- Una sesión introductoria de Plan de Desarrollo Personal con una coach.
- Conferencia magistral en las que relacionaremos la educación emocional con otras esferas (inteligencia artificial, neurología,...)
Qué material tendrás al finalizar el curso:
- Dosier completo con todo lo visto en las sesiones.
- Propuesta de actividades para poner en práctica cada tema.
- Bibliografía ampliada para que, si así lo quieres, puedas seguir ampliando tu conocimiento.
- Recursos complementarios: videos, artículos...
- Objective tests after each unit of the syllabus to check if you have acquired the necessary concepts.
Tendrás acompañamiento continuo:
- Course coordinator
- Espacio de preguntas y respuestas con expertos
- Foro para interactuar con la comunidad FEEM
Al finalizar el curso, serás capaz de:
If you register before January 30, 2025, in addition to the 'Conflict and Adversity Management' course, you will have access to the 12-hour introductory module on Emotional Education, conducted by Dr. Rafael Bisquerra.

INEEW is an entity registered in the State Registry of Training Entities with the number
making it qualified to offer training for companies subsidized by Fundae.
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