M3. Psicología positiva y bienestar
Learn about emotions and how emotional intelligence helps you understand how to manage them effectively.
Responsabile | INEEW |
Ultimo aggiornamento | 03/03/2025 |
Tempo di completamento | 3 ore 35 minuti |
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Introducción al módulo
3.1. Psicología positiva
3.1.5. Prueba objetiva: Psicología positiva
Start: March 2025
Mode: Live Online
Duration: 6 weeks
Schedule: All sessions start at 7:00 PM (Spain time) and last between 1.5 and 3 hours.
Price: 375€
Academic Direction: Rafael Bisquerra
In the course "Positive Psychology and Well-being" we will explore the foundations of Positive Psychology, a branch of psychology focused on the study and promotion of human strengths and virtues. You will learn about emotional well-being and how to maintain a healthy balance between your emotions for a fuller life. We will delve into the concept of flow, the optimal state of concentration and enjoyment in our daily activities.
Additionally, we will identify and develop our human strengths and virtues, discovering how to harness them for our personal growth. Finally, we will address resilience, understanding how to face and overcome life's challenges effectively.
This course will provide you with practical tools and essential knowledge to improve your well-being and achieve greater satisfaction in your daily life. Get ready to embark on a journey toward a more positive and rewarding life!
Course Contents
En este curso, se abordarán diversos temas relacionados con la psicología positiva, un campo que se centra en el estudio y promoción de las fortalezas humanas y el bienestar emocional. Exploraremos las fortalezas humanas, aquellas cualidades y habilidades que potencian nuestro crecimiento personal y nos ayudan a enfrentar los desafíos de la vida con resiliencia y optimismo.
Se profundizará en el desarrollo de las emociones positivas, analizando cómo cultivarlas y mantenerlas en el día a día para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida. También se discutirán los efectos de las emociones positivas en nuestra salud mental y física, destacando su papel en la reducción del estrés, el aumento de la satisfacción personal y la mejora de las relaciones interpersonales.
Además, te sumergirás en el estudio de conceptos clave como el bienestar emocional, el estado de flujo, y la resiliencia. El objetivo es proporcionar herramientas y estrategias que te permitan mejorar tu calidad de vida, promover un estado de ánimo positivo y fortalecer tu capacidad para superar desafíos.

Rafael Bisquerra
Director of FEEM | Pedagogical Guidance | Pedagogy | Psychology | Emotional Education

Mireia Cabero
Psychologist and High Performance Coach | Organizational Consultant | Chief Happiness Officer

Adela Cavia
Emotional Education in Practice | Emotional Training, Well-being, and Resilience for New Leaderships
1. Origins of positive psychology
2. Themes of positive psychology
3. The PERMA model
4. Human strengths
5. Positive psychology in the Happy Classrooms Program
6. Intervention strategies in the Happy Classrooms Program
7. Approach and avoidance
8. Ekman: The learning of positive emotions
9. Fredrickson's broaden-and-build theory
10. Nesse’s theory
11. The development of positive emotions
12. Effects of positive emotions
13. Implications for practice
1. The search for happiness in history
2. Happiness and well-being
3. Building well-being based on science
4. Types of well-being
5. The flower of benicia
6. Objective and subjective well-being
7. What is the relationship between income and happiness?
8. The easterlin paradox
9. The economics of well-being
10. Political and social implications
1. The concept of flow
2. Mihály Csikszentmihalyi
3. Flow and happiness
4. Enjoyment and quality of life
5. The conditions for flow
6. The flow theory applied to education
7. Flow in the body
8. The flow of thought
9. Work as flow
10. Social relationships
11. Transformed tragedies
12. The autotelic personality
13. Cultivating flow in daily life
14. The meaning and significance of life
1. Introduction
2. Well-being as an educational goal
3. Emotional education for well-being
4. Applications of positive psychology in education
5. Positive psychology in the happy classrooms program
6. Mindfulness
7. Personal strengths
8. Intervention strategies
9. What about the teachers?
1. Concept of resilience
2. From resilience to resilient processes
3. Characteristics of resilient people
4. How does a resilient personality work?
5. Educating resilience
6. Factors for improving resilience
7. Resilience stories
8. Wabi-sabi and kintsugi
9. Resilience in organizations
The Course Includes:
- More than 12 hours of live sessions with experts (see faculty list) combining theory and practice.
- A keynote lecture linking emotional education with other fields (artificial intelligence, neurology, etc.).
Materials you will receive at the end of the course:
- A comprehensive dossier covering everything discussed in the sessions.
- Activity proposals to put each topic into practice.
- An extended bibliography so that, if you wish, you can further expand your knowledge.
- Additional resources: videos, articles, etc.
- Objective tests after each unit to assess whether you've grasped the necessary concepts.
Continuous support:
- Course coordinator
- Q&A space with experts
- Forum to interact with the FEEM community
Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:
Understand Positive Psychology:
- Know the foundations and evolution of Positive Psychology.
- Identify and analyze key concepts of this discipline, including happiness and well-being.
- Discover how Positive Psychology is applied in different contexts to improve quality of life.
- Reflect on the role of positive emotions in personal and social development.
Experience the concept of Flow:
- Understand the state of flow and how to achieve it in your daily activities.
- Identify the conditions that facilitate flow.
- Explore the benefits of flow in productivity and personal satisfaction.
- Implement practices to foster flow experiences in your everyday life.
Develop resilience:
- Understand the concept of resilience and its importance in life.
- Learn strategies to develop and strengthen your personal resilience.
- Reflect on how to overcome adversities and maintain a positive attitude.
- Analyze cases and practical examples of resilience in everyday life.
Cultivate Emotional Well-being:
- Understand the dimensions of emotional well-being and its impact on daily life.
- Learn techniques and strategies to maintain a healthy emotional balance.
- Explore the relationship between positive emotions and mental health.
- Identify factors that contribute to emotional well-being and how to manage them effectively.
Strengthen your virtues and human strengths:
- Identify your personal strengths and virtues through evaluation tools.
- Develop and apply your strengths in various aspects of your life.
- Understand how virtues and strengths contribute to well-being and personal success.
- Explore ways to cultivate and reinforce virtues in yourself and others.
The Course Includes:
- Más de 20 horas de sesiones en directo con expertos (ver el cuadro docente) en las que combinarás teoría y práctica.
- Una sesión introductoria de Plan de Desarrollo Personal con una coach.
- Conferencia magistral en las que relacionaremos la educación emocional con otras esferas (inteligencia artificial, neurología,...)
Qué material tendrás al finalizar el curso:
- Dosier completo con todo lo visto en las sesiones.
- Propuesta de actividades para poner en práctica cada tema.
- Bibliografía ampliada para que, si así lo quieres, puedas seguir ampliando tu conocimiento.
- Recursos complementarios: videos, artículos...
- Objective tests after each unit to assess whether you've grasped the necessary concepts.
Tendrás acompañamiento continuo:
- Course coordinator
- Espacio de preguntas y respuestas con expertos
- Foro para interactuar con la comunidad FEEM
Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:
If you enroll before January 30, 2025, in addition to the "Positive Psychology and Well-being" course, you will gain exclusive access to the Introduction to Emotional Education module, which consists of 12 hours taught by Dr. Rafael Bisquerra.

INEEW is a registered entity in the State Register of Training Entities with the number
and is authorized to provide training for companies subsidized by Fundae.
Any questions? Contact Us
If you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance selecting the right course for you, please complete this help form. Our team will be happy to provide you with the guidance you need.
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