INEEW IT Inteligencia Emocional y Pasión. ¿Confluyen? ¿Son dos conceptos que en su convivencia se afectan? ¿En qué medida? In a way, we could say that emotional intelligence is the ability to regulate passions in order to use them for our own well-being and, if possible, for the well-being of others. If they are positive ... Emotional Education Pasión 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Cuál es su punto de vista personal, más allá de sus conocimientos científicos, sobre la Pasión? Welcome are the positive passions we can enhance: passion for reading, passion for art, passion for cinema, passion for music, passion for work (in a balanced way), etc. On the other hand, we must be ... Emotional Education Pasión 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Parafraseando a Stendhal cuando habla del amor, ¿Es demasiado radical decir que sin pasión nos perdemos la parte más bella de la vida? Romantic literature reflects people's passions. It is true that certain passions represent intense emotions that make us feel alive. However, as we’ve mentioned, some passions can make life bitter. Wh... Emociones Pasión Vida 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Qué ventajas tiene la aplicación de la inteligencia emocional en el ámbito educativo? Empirical research has provided evidence of the positive effects on: development of social and emotional competencies; improvement of attitudes towards oneself, others, and school; positive behavior i... Aplicación escolar Emotional Inteligence 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Aplicación de la inteligencia emocional en el aula: Estrategias para docentes y estudiantes Question: How can emotional intelligence be applied in the classroom, and what can teachers do to develop it in the classroom, while students can enhance it both inside and outside the classroom? Answ... Aplicación escolar Emotional Inteligence 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Educación Emocional y mundo laboral: Ventajas y desarrollo de las inteligencias múltiples Question: Does emotional education bring advantages for later integration into the workforce? What advantages would those be? How can multiple intelligences and emotional intelligence be developed in ... Beneficios Education Emotional Intelligence in the workplace Laboral ROI 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Es conveniente trabajar las inteligencias múltiples y inteligencia emocional a lo largo de la vida? It is very necessary. The development of emotional competencies is a process that should start at birth within the family, be present throughout the entire educational journey—early childhood educatio... Aplicación Beneficios Education Emotional Inteligence Laboral ROI Vida 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Qué es la educación emocional?, ¿qué beneficios tiene para explorar la naturaleza humana de nuestro estudiantado? Emotional education is an educational process aimed at developing emotional competencies. These competencies are useful for preventing anxiety, stress, depression, violence, drug use, and many risky b... Emotional Education 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Integración de la Educación Emocional en el currículo: Aportes para la orientación y convivencia escolar Question: Based on your professional experience, what suggestions would you make for incorporating emotional education into all subjects of the school curriculum? What is its contribution to guidance ... Aplicación escolar Aulas Emotional Education 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Qué estrategias recomienda usted para trabajar el cerebro emocional, ejecutivo y cognitivo a la luz de la implementación de un programa de educación emocional? The strategies are numerous, and some should be applied simultaneously. Among them are the following: · Strategies for organizing and planning the implementation of the emotional education program, un... Aplicación escolar Aulas Emotional Education Programa 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Alfabetización emocional en contextos vulnerables: Estrategias para la inclusión educativa Question: What actions should we consider to achieve emotional literacy for students in difficult or vulnerable contexts? How can we achieve inclusion through this proposal? Answer: It is about design... Aplicación escolar Aulas Emotional Education Programa 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Finalmente, ¿cómo potenciar la dimensional emocional del profesorado ante los altos índices de desgate profesional? The first recipients of emotional education are the teachers and families. Teachers must become aware that they are in a high-risk profession. They are at risk of anxiety, stress, burnout, conflicts, ... Emotional Education Profesorado 26 feb 2025