El docente de Educación Física: ¿Seriedad o conexión afectiva con los estudiantes?


Doctor, what do you think of a serious Physical Education teacher who doesn’t laugh in class, speaks little, doesn’t converse with their students? Do you think that is the ideal model?  


A Physical Education teacher should be able to connect with people, with their needs, limitations, and emotions. They must be someone with great empathy, leadership abilities, and group management skills so that they can get the students to do what is expected: mobilize them. The thing is, there are people who, for very diverse reasons—perhaps due to character traits, maybe they are more shy, or they may have had traumatic experiences—are not naturally inclined to this. But clearly, the answer to your question is evident to me.

El docente de Educación Física: ¿Seriedad o conexión afectiva con los estudiantes?
INEEW IT 26 febbraio 2025
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