FEEM in Numbers

Student Evaluations

Optimizing Student Well-Being in Emotional Education and Well-Being Training

Emotional education and well-being have become crucial aspects in the comprehensive development of students. Understanding and managing emotions not only contributes to academic success, but also lays the foundation for a balanced and healthy life. 

In our training programs, we recognize the vital importance of not only delivering theoretical knowledge but also ensuring the practical implementation of what is taught. We firmly believe that effective learning goes beyond acquiring information; it involves actively integrating concepts into daily life. That is why we place a strong emphasis on ensuring student satisfaction. Our goal is not only to provide relevant tools and skills in emotional education and well-being but also to create an environment that supports the practical application of this knowledge. By prioritizing student satisfaction, we aim not only to facilitate learning but also to contribute to the creation of positive educational experiences that directly impact the overall well-being of our participants.

In this context, we have conducted a comprehensive evaluation of student satisfaction ratings regarding our Training in Emotional Education and Well-Being.

Evaluation Methodology

Data collection was conducted through anonymous surveys designed to assess the perception and satisfaction of students from the first three editions of the Emotional Education and Well-Being Training. The evaluation explored various aspects, including satisfaction with experts, the usefulness of the content, the quality of the resources provided, the effectiveness of the methodologies used, the support from the coordination team, and the integration of this knowledge into students’ daily lives, among others.

Key Results

The evaluation results reflect a high level of satisfaction among the training participants, with a steady increase in overall satisfaction across each edition we have analyzed.

The general satisfaction of our students in relation to the academic quality of our program is highly positive, Guadalcanal a 9.0 on the evaluation scale

Evaluation Result 

Overall Satisfaction

Overall Training Rating



  • Overall Rating of the Modules: 9.0
  • Written Material Rating: 9.1
  • Unidades Didácticas: 9,2
  • Sessiones on-line 8,8 
  • Practical Activities: 8.9
  • Appropriate Pace: 8.8


  • Overall Rating of the Sessions: 9.2
  • Contents  9,2
  • Teaching Team’s Proposal: 9.3
  • Content Integration: 9.2
  • Session Pace: 9.1

Analysis of the Results

These results reflect the commitment and dedication of our coordination team and teaching staff in delivering exceptional educational content. Additionally, the 9.1 rating for the interest generated by the course materials and information highlights the program’s ability to engage participants and maintain their commitment. Further emphasizing the quality of our teaching team, the 9.3 rating for satisfaction with their proposal demonstrates their effectiveness and positive impact on students' learning experience. These results validate our focus on academic excellence and inspire us to continue raising the standards to provide outstanding training in every aspect.

Of the surveyed students, 9 out of 10 stated that they would recommend the training to others.

With the analyzed results from the group of students, rating the academic quality of the program's content with a 9, they confirm that the emotional education training provided them with practical tools to understand and manage their emotions.

Recomendación FEEM

Additionally, the majority of students believe that the training significantly improved their overall well-being.

Positive Aspects

The quality of the resources and teaching materials received a positive evaluation, highlighting the relevance and applicability of the presented content. The active and participatory methodology was also well received, as it was considered effective for learning. This is a priority at FEEM, where we implement a continuous improvement plan to ensure that students acquire the necessary knowledge for practical application. 

Based on qualitative evaluations, a significant finding was the successful integration of acquired knowledge into daily life. Many students stated that the training helped them manage stress and social pressures more effectively.

Personal Development Plan 

In an increasingly complex and demanding world, the importance of emotional education has become more evident than ever. Educators are recognizing the need to go beyond the mere transmission of academic knowledge and address students' emotional well-being. In this regard, FEEM has launched an initiative to provide students with both practical and theoretical tools to understand and manage their emotions effectively. One example is the **Personal Development Plan**, which supports students throughout the course, helping them implement competency development in their daily lives. 

Tutoring and Final Project of the Training 

We are pleased to observe a significant increase in satisfaction levels with tutoring in recent editions of our programs. The final project of the training is a demanding process that requires strong commitment from students, often leading to stress and anxiety. We recognize that this process is essential to ensuring a solid acquisition of knowledge. In this context, tutoring plays a crucial role, providing valuable support throughout the entire process. We understand that offering strong and empathetic guidance not only contributes to the successful completion of the training but also helps ease the inherent pressures of the final project, allowing students to approach this challenge with confidence and assurance in their learning. This increase in satisfaction reflects our ongoing commitment to improving and strengthening the support we provide to our students during this critical phase of their training.

Challenges and Future Opportunities

 Although the results have been encouraging, we have also identified areas for improvement. Some students have expressed the need to extend the program’s duration or implement more regular follow-ups to enhance engagement. Additionally, the importance of continuously updated materials has been highlighted. Given the nature of the scientific process, which requires time for information verification, providing the most up-to-date, validated content based on the latest trends takes time. Nevertheless, we are actively addressing these aspects through an improvement plan that is already in progress. We remain committed to continuously refining our training programs to meet our students’ expectations and stay at the forefront of advancements in science and education..

In the future, we plan to address this feedback by expanding the training program and implementing follow-up strategies. That said, one of the key competencies we develop in this course is responsibility, and our team is eager to help students put it into practice. Additionally, we are exploring the possibility of interdisciplinary collaborations to further enrich the training and the implementation of emotional education across various fields.


The Emotional Education and Well-Being Training has proven to be an essential component of our students' educational experience. The satisfaction ratings reflect not only the effectiveness of the program but also its positive impact on students' daily lives. These results support our mission to provide a comprehensive education in each new edition, equipping students with the resilience to face life’s challenges while enhancing their performance and emotional well-being.

Finally, we share some insights from the qualitative analysis.
FEEM in Numbers
INEEW 26 febbraio 2025
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