The Emotional Universe: Origin, Contributions, and Benefits in Education


We know about the important contribution of your research team regarding the "emotional universe." Could you tell us how this project came about, what contributions it makes to educational practice, and what benefits it offers for teachers and the improvement of learning?  


The “Universe of Emotions” project () involves creating teaching material (a poster and a book) to guide navigation through the complex and fascinating universe of emotions. The project was developed with the participation of Dr. Eduard Punset and the Palau design team. It includes over 300 emotions, offering an opportunity to expand emotional vocabulary, considering that most people use an emotional vocabulary of less than 25 words. Since language is the limit of our knowledge, this project helps us understand ourselves better and navigate more competently through the world of emotions. It covers major emotion families, basic emotions, aesthetic emotions, social emotions, complex emotions, etc. It’s important to have a clear map of emotions to avoid getting lost. It’s easy to end up in the constellations of fear, anger, and sadness, but more challenging to reach the constellations of joy, love, and happiness.
This educational material (the emotional map poster and the "instruction manual" book) can be purchased at:

The Emotional Universe: Origin, Contributions, and Benefits in Education
INEEW IT February 26, 2025
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Why is training in emotional education important for future teachers?