INEEW IT Affectivity in Physical Education teaching: Impact on pedagogical practice Question: The name of my project is “Affectivity of the Physical Education Teacher in their Pedagogical Practice.” This research arises from observing the ways some teachers treat students: some are v... Emotional Education Physical Education Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT The Physical Education teacher: Seriousness or emotional connection with students? Question: Doctor, what do you think of a serious Physical Education teacher who doesn’t laugh in class, speaks little, doesn’t converse with their students? Do you think that is the ideal model? Answe... Emotional Education Physical Education Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Disconnected teachers: The lack of affection in teaching Question: I’ve observed, among other things, teachers who limit themselves solely to teaching their class, talk very little with their students, and don’t offer a smile, a "it's okay, let’s share," bu... Emotional Education Physical Education Feb 26, 2025