INEEW IT Does passion understand age? If so, what is its expressiveness at each phase of life? The younger we are, the more emotional impulsivity we have, and thus, the more intense our emotions (passions) can be. As we age, emotions tend to become softer (lower activation), and we are less pas... Emotions Life Passion Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Can passion be defined differently at each age and stage of life? What is the most passionate stage according to its pure definition? Passion is an emotional experience that can be defined as a very strong emotional response. The semantics come from the Latin word patior , which means to suffer passively, without being able to do an... Emotions Life Passion Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Paraphrasing Stendhal when he talks about love, is it too radical to say that without passion we lose the most beautiful part of life? Romantic literature reflects people's passions. It is true that certain passions represent intense emotions that make us feel alive. However, as we’ve mentioned, some passions can make life bitter. Wh... Emotions Life Passion Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Is it advisable to work on multiple intelligences and emotional intelligence throughout life? It is very necessary. The development of emotional competencies is a process that should start at birth within the family, be present throughout the entire educational journey—early childhood educatio... Application Benefits Education Emotional Inteligence Life ROI Work-related Feb 26, 2025