INEEW IT Can we talk about different intelligences or multiple intelligences? Yes. Howard Gardner developed the theory of multiple intelligences, which includes nine types of intelligences: musical, bodily-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial, interpersonal, i... Emotional Education Multiple intelligences Feb 26, 2025 FAQs
INEEW IT What is emotional education? Emotional education is an educational process aimed at the development of emotional competencies. This educational process should begin at birth (even before) and be present throughout early childhood... Emotional Education Feb 26, 2025 FAQs
INEEW IT What is the difference between emotional education and emotional intelligence? Emotional education is an educational process, with a methodology that is primarily practical, based on introspection, dynamics, games, role-playing, emotional imagination, etc. On the other hand, emo... Emotional Education Emotional Inteligence Feb 26, 2025 FAQs
INEEW IT What do you think emotional education can contribute to social education? Emotional education aims to develop emotional competencies that should be understood as basic life skills. One of these competencies is related to social skills. In fact, social and emotional competen... Education Emotional Education Social education Feb 26, 2025 FAQs
INEEW IT Emotional Competencies in social education: Relevance and practical applications in educational research Question: In the paper on emotional competencies written with Núria Pérez Escoda, you highlight their application in different areas, and we see that, I quote verbatim, “practical applications in educ... Education Emotional Education Social education Feb 26, 2025 FAQs
INEEW IT Emotional Education and health: Scientific findings and practical applications in the classroom Question: In the latest conferences on emotional education, health was discussed as an important element to address in our educational interventions. What essential elements would you highlight from t... Emotional Education Emotional education in the workplace Health Feb 26, 2025 FAQs
INEEW IT Emotional Intelligence and Passion. Do they converge? Are they concepts that affect each other in their coexistence? To what extent? In a way, we could say that emotional intelligence is the ability to regulate passions in order to use them for our own well-being and, if possible, for the well-being of others. If they are positive ... Emotional Education Passion Feb 26, 2025 FAQs
INEEW IT What is your personal point of view, beyond your scientific knowledge, on Passion? Welcome are the positive passions we can enhance: passion for reading, passion for art, passion for cinema, passion for music, passion for work (in a balanced way), etc. On the other hand, we must be ... Emotional Education Passion Feb 26, 2025 FAQs
INEEW IT What is emotional education? What benefits does it have for exploring the human nature of our students? Emotional education is an educational process aimed at developing emotional competencies. These competencies are useful for preventing anxiety, stress, depression, violence, drug use, and many risky b... Emotional Education Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Integration of Emotional Education in the curriculum: Contributions to guidance and school coexistence Question: Based on your professional experience, what suggestions would you make for incorporating emotional education into all subjects of the school curriculum? What is its contribution to guidance ... Classrooms Emotional Education School application Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT What strategies do you recommend for working with the emotional, executive, and cognitive brain in light of the implementation of an emotional education program? The strategies are numerous, and some should be applied simultaneously. Among them are the following: · Strategies for organizing and planning the implementation of the emotional education program, un... Classrooms Emotional Education Program School application Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Emotional literacy in vulnerable contexts: Strategies for educational inclusion Question: What actions should we consider to achieve emotional literacy for students in difficult or vulnerable contexts? How can we achieve inclusion through this proposal? Answer: It is about design... Classrooms Emotional Education Program School application Feb 26, 2025