Is the growing inclination of adults toward nostalgia a symptom of our insecurity about the future?

Words not only describe reality, but they also create realities. It’s enough to have certain cultural manifestations related to nostalgia, and speaking about it represents a reconstruction of reality in which a "growing inclination for nostalgia" can be perceived. This perception depends on the individuals. Perhaps it applies to some people, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it's a general trend. To generalize, we would need empirical data collected from significant samples of subjects to conclude that this is truly a symptom of our time. I do not have the data to make this assertion. What I do observe is a greater interest in emotional topics than there was twenty years ago. Since nostalgia is an emotion, it can be included in this trend.

Is the growing inclination of adults toward nostalgia a symptom of our insecurity about the future?
INEEW IT February 26, 2025
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