INEEW IT El dolor y el sufrimiento Suffering is a complex and negative affective and cognitive state characterized by a sense of threat and helplessness in the face of adversity. Suffering leads us to respond emotionally based on how w... Dolor EE Emociones IE Sufrimiento 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT Educación Emocional en Venezuela: El docente como pilar para transformar la crisis de valores Question: In Venezuela, we are experiencing an emotional crisis, a crisis of values and principles, with a lot of aggressiveness, anger, emotional turmoil, and rage. You talk about controlling anger, ... EE Venezuela 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT El docente amoroso en Educación Física: Formación a través del deporte y la conexión humana Question: In the case of my specialty, as a Physical Education teacher, I have observed that through sports, we have certain domains over the students and have more closeness because the open classroo... EE Profesorado 26 feb 2025