INEEW IT ¿Es conveniente trabajar las inteligencias múltiples y inteligencia emocional a lo largo de la vida? It is very necessary. The development of emotional competencies is a process that should start at birth within the family, be present throughout the entire educational journey—early childhood educatio... Aplicación Beneficios Education Emotional Inteligence Laboral ROI Vida 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Podemos desarrollar la IE de los alumnos? ¿Es posible o adecuado hacerlo en el contexto escolar o académico? Emotional intelligence can be developed. The best way to do so is to start in the family context, followed by early childhood, primary, and secondary education. Just because it is possible does not me... Aplicación Education IE 26 feb 2025
INEEW IT ¿Existen programas que se hayan mostrado eficaces para desarrollar la IE? Yes, there are many programs that have shown positive effects. In my opinion, these programs must be adapted to the context in which they will be applied; they cannot be implemented blindly. In other ... Aplicación Education IE 26 feb 2025