Emotions with Emotional Intelligence
Learn about emotions and how emotional intelligence helps you manage them more effectively.
Responsible | INEEW |
Last Update | 03/03/2025 |
Completion Time | 2 hours |
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Introduction to the module
1.1. Conceptual framework of emotions
1.1.4. Objective Test: Conceptual framework of emotions
Start Date: March 2025
Mode: Online, live
Duration: 6 weeks
Schedule: All sessions start at 7:00 PM (Spain time) with a duration of between 1.5 and 3 hours.
Price: 375€
Academic Director: Rafael Bisquerra
The course "Emotions with Emotional Intelligence" will take you on an in-depth journey of emotional understanding. By the end of this course, you will have developed a solid knowledge of the essential concepts surrounding emotions, emotional intelligence, and the practical application of emotional education.
Join us on this enriching journey of self-discovery and emotional growth. This course will not only expand your understanding of emotions but will also equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to apply emotional intelligence and emotional education in both your personal and professional life.
Sign up now and get ready to transform your relationships and emotional well-being!
Course Content
El curso "Emociones con inteligencia emocional" te sumergirá en un viaje en el que aprenderás a identificar, comprender y gestionar tus propias emociones y las de los demás. Desarrollarás habilidades clave como la autoconciencia, la auto-regulación, la empatía y las competencias sociales, lo que te permitirá mejorar tus relaciones interpersonales, tomar decisiones más informadas y enfrentar el estrés y los desafíos de manera más efectiva. Además, aprenderás técnicas para comunicarte de forma asertiva y construir un entorno personal y profesional más armonioso y colaborativo.

Rafael Bisquerra
Director of FEEM | Pedagogical Guidance | Pedagogy | Psychology | Emotional Education

Mireia Cabero
Psychologist and high-performance coach | Organizational consultant | Director of Happiness

Adela Cavia
Emotional education in practice | Emotional training, Well-being, and Resilience for new leaderships
1. What are emotions?
2. The evaluation as an activator of emotion
3. Orexis: predisposition to action
4. Concept of emotion
5. Affective phenomena
1. What is the structure and function of emotions?
2. Structure of emotions
3. Distinction between positive and negative emotions
4. Ekman’s model
5. Plutchik’s model
6. Russell’s circumplex model
7. Empirical models
8. Emotion classifications
9. A psychopedagogical classification
10. Function of emotions
11. Concept of basic emotions
1. Background of emotional intelligence
2. The context in which emotional intelligence appears
3. Salovey and Mayer’s emotional intelligence ability model
4. Goleman’s model
5. Bar-On’s model
6. Petrides and Furnham’s trait model
7. Other emotional intelligence models
8. The debate on emotional intelligence
9. State of the art: ability model vs trait model
10. Measurement tools for emotional intelligence
1. Emotional competencies
2. Concept of competency
3. Types of competencies
4. Building emotional competencies
5. The pentagonal model of emotional competencies
1. Introduction to Emotional Education
2. Educating for life
3. Concept of emotional education
4. Theoretical foundations of emotional education
5. Objectives of emotional education
6. Content of emotional education
7. Methodology
8. Curricular materials
9. Assessment in emotional education
10. Contexts of intervention
11. Emotional intelligence, emotional competencies, and emotional education
The Course Includes:
- Over 20 hours of live sessions with experts (see faculty) combining theory and practice.
- An introductory session of the Personal Development Plan with a coach.
- Masterclass lectures that will relate emotional education to other areas (artificial intelligence, neurology, etc.)
Materials You'll Receive After Completing the Course:
- A complete dossier with everything covered in the sessions.
- Proposed activities to practice each topic.
- Expanded bibliography for further knowledge exploration.
- Complementary resources: videos, articles, etc.
- Objective tests after each unit to assess your understanding of key concepts.
Continuous Support:
- Course coordinator
- Q&A space with experts
- Forum for interacting with the FEEM community
Upon completing the course, you will be able to:
Understand the conceptual framework of emotions:
- Understand the nature of emotions and distinguish their components.
- Identify and recognize the role of automatic (primary) evaluation and cognitive (secondary) evaluation as emotion activators.
- Analyze the psychophysiological, behavioral, and cognitive components of emotions.
- Analyze emotional orexis as predisposition to action, without necessarily producing an action.
Provide structure and understand the function of emotions:
- Understand the structure of emotions.
- Learn the functions of emotions.
- Develop emotional vocabulary.
- Understand an emotion classification system for emotional education.
Know what Emotional Intelligence is and why it’s important:
- Understand the background and social context in which emotional intelligence emerged.
- Learn the main models of emotional intelligence.
- Be aware of the differences between intelligence, personality, and emotional intelligence.
- Understand the debate surrounding emotional intelligence, leading to the derivation of emotional competencies.
- Learn the main tools for measuring emotional intelligence.
Navigate through emotional competencies:
- Comprehend the concept of competence and its implications in education and organizations.
- Distinguish between major categories of competencies.
- Learn what emotional competencies are.
- Understand the pentagonal model of emotional competencies as a reference example.
Understand what Emotional Education is and how to apply it:
- Understand the essential characteristics of the nature of emotional education.
- Understand the theoretical foundations of emotional education.
- Propose objectives for an emotional education program.
- Select content for an emotional education program.
- Choose the most appropriate methodology for various emotional education activities.
- Know the curricular materials to support emotional education practice.
- Design several strategies for assessing emotional education.
- Identify the main intervention contexts in emotional education.
- Distinguish between emotional intelligence, emotional competencies, and emotional education.
Al finalizar el curso, serás capaz de:
Entender el marco conceptual de las emociones:
- Conocer la naturaleza de las emociones y distinguir sus componentes.
- Identificar y reconocer la función de la valoración automática (primaria) y la valoración cognitiva (secundaria) como activadoras de las emociones.
- Analizar los componentes psicofisiológico, comportamental y cognitivo de las emociones.
- Analizar la orexis emocional como predisposición a la acción, pero cuya acción no tiene porqué producirse necesariamente.
Dotar de estructura y conocer la función de las emociones:
- Conocer la estructura de las emociones.
- Conocer las funciones de las emociones.
- Desarrollar el vocabulario emocional.
- Conocer un sistema de clasificación de las emociones para la educación emocional.
Conocer qué es la Inteligencia Emocional y el por qué de su importancia:
- Conocer los antecedentes y el contexto social en el que aparece la inteligencia emocional.
- Conocer los principales modelos de inteligencia emocional.
- Tomar conciencia de las diferencias entre inteligencia, personalidad e inteligencia emocional
- Conocer el debate en torno a la inteligencia emocional a partir de la cual se derivan las competencias emocionales.
- Conocer los principales instrumentos para la medición de la inteligencia emocional.
Navegar entre las competencias emocionales:
- Comprender el concepto de competencia y sus repercusiones en la educación y las organizaciones.
- Distinguir entre las grandes categorías de competencias.
- Conocer lo que son las competencias emocionales.
- Conocer el modelo pentagonal de competencias emocionales como un ejemplo referente.
Entender qué es la Educación emocional y cómo aplicarla:
- Conocer las características esenciales de la naturaleza de la educación emocional.
- Conocer los fundamentos teóricos de la educación emocional.
- Proponer objetivos para un programa de educación emocional.
- Seleccionar contenidos para un programa de educación emocional.
- Elegir la metodología más apropiada para varias actividades de educación emocional.
- Conocer los materiales curriculares para apoyar la práctica de la educación emocional.
- Diseñar varias estrategias de evaluación en educación emocional.
- Identificar los principales contextos de intervención de la educación emocional.
- Distinguir entre inteligencia emocional, competencias emocionales y educación emocional.
If you enroll before 08/20/2024, in addition to the course 'Emotions with Emotional Intelligence', you will have access to the 12-hour Introduction to Emotional Education module, led by Dr. Rafael Bisquerra.
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