Todos los cursos

M1. Emociones con inteligencia emocional
Learn about emotions and how emotional intelligence helps you manage them more effectively.
Learn about emotions and how emotional intelligence helps you manage them more effectively.
2 horas
7 pasos
M2. Competencias emocionales
Learn about emotions and how emotional intelligence helps you manage them effectively.
Learn about emotions and how emotional intelligence helps you manage them effectively.
3 horas 50 minutos
8 pasos
M4: Gestión de conflictos y adversidades
Learn solid knowledge about the fundamental concepts of conflict, stress, grief, and anger, and acquire practical strategies and concrete tools to apply in real-life situations.
Learn solid knowledge about the fundamental concepts of conflict, stress, grief, and anger, and acquire practical strategies and concrete tools to apply in real-life situations.
5 horas 30 minutos
8 pasos
M3. Psicología positiva y bienestar
Learn about emotions and how emotional intelligence helps you understand how to manage them effectively.
Learn about emotions and how emotional intelligence helps you understand how to manage them effectively.
3 horas 35 minutos
8 pasos