INEEW IT What is the purpose of talking about emotional intelligence in the educational field? It is an aspect of attending to the development of the integral personality. Education has almost strictly focused on cognitive or intellectual development. But it is also important to address emotion... Education IE Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT What Makes Students with Higher Emotional Intelligence Different from Others? One aspect of emotional intelligence is the ability to regulate one's own emotions. This is very helpful in conflict situations, for preventing violence, and for being able to listen, among many other... Benefits Education ROI Students Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT In Your Opinion, How Important is Emotional Intelligence in Students' Lives? It is very important. If we analyze the conflicts and difficulties in educational centers, we would probably come to the conclusion that most of them are a clear manifestation of the prevailing emotio... Education IE Students Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Can We Develop Students' Emotional Intelligence? Is It Possible or Appropriate to Do So in the School or Academic Context? Emotional intelligence can be developed. The best way to do so is to start in the family context, followed by early childhood, primary, and secondary education. Just because it is possible does not me... Application Education IE Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Are There Programs That Have Proven Effective in Developing Emotional Intelligence? Yes, there are many programs that have shown positive effects. In my opinion, these programs must be adapted to the context in which they will be applied; they cannot be implemented blindly. In other ... Application Education IE Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT What Benefits Can Students Gain from Participating in an Emotional Intelligence Development Program? If implemented properly and with the necessary dedication, the observed benefits include a greater ability to regulate emotions, a reduction in violent behaviors, improved impulse control, the ability... Benefits Education ROI Students Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Do Negative Emotions Last Longer? As the specialist mentions in his book Psychopedagogy of Emotions , some negative emotions can be risk factors, triggering diseases or activating risky behaviors. "Chronically high levels of negative ... Duration Emotions IE Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT 5 Negative Emotions That Harm the Heart Various studies show a link between negative emotional arousal (aggravation, irritation, fury, and impatience) and coronary disease, as well as high blood pressure.... Health Negative emotions Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Anger This is a very powerful emotion that includes a wide range of feelings such as rage, fury, resentment, hatred, indignation, bitterness, tension, excitement, agitation, acrimony, irritability, hostilit... Anger Negative emotions Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Stress "It is not things themselves, but the way we evaluate them that affects us. What matters is not the situation itself, but its cognitive interpretation," says Bisquerra. Stress is a physical and specif... Emotions Stress Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Anxiety "Many people go to the doctor because they feel unwell without knowing exactly what is happening to them in a physical sense. Deep down, what they are experiencing is emotional discomfort, even if the... Anxiety Emotions Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Sadness and depression Sadness arises in response to the loss of valuable objects or loved ones. It is an emotion that predisposes a person to minimize activity, feel unmotivated, lack the desire to do anything, and seek is... Depression Emotions Sadness Feb 26, 2025