INEEW IT Finally, how can we enhance the emotional dimension of teachers in the face of high levels of professional burnout? The first recipients of emotional education are the teachers and families. Teachers must become aware that they are in a high-risk profession. They are at risk of anxiety, stress, burnout, conflicts, ... Emotional Education Teaching staff Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Affectivity in Physical Education teaching: Impact on pedagogical practice Question: The name of my project is “Affectivity of the Physical Education Teacher in their Pedagogical Practice.” This research arises from observing the ways some teachers treat students: some are v... Emotional Education Physical Education Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT The Physical Education teacher: Seriousness or emotional connection with students? Question: Doctor, what do you think of a serious Physical Education teacher who doesn’t laugh in class, speaks little, doesn’t converse with their students? Do you think that is the ideal model? Answe... Emotional Education Physical Education Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Disconnected teachers: The lack of affection in teaching Question: I’ve observed, among other things, teachers who limit themselves solely to teaching their class, talk very little with their students, and don’t offer a smile, a "it's okay, let’s share," bu... Emotional Education Physical Education Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT What is emotional education? Emotional education is an educational process that is continuous and ongoing, aimed at developing emotional competencies.... Emotional Education Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Do we give enough importance to emotional education within the educational system? In which cases is it negative? What can we do to improve it? It is not given enough importance. It is absent in most classrooms, and where it is taught, it is often due to the voluntary efforts of the teachers. To improve this, first, we need to raise awareness... Emotional Education Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Why is it important to educate children emotionally? Emotional education is an education for life, aimed at addressing social needs that are not covered by traditional academic areas. The consequence of emotional education is the prevention of anxiety, ... Emotional Education Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Is being emotionally competent the same as being emotionally intelligent? They can almost be considered synonyms. However, if a distinction is to be made, it’s important to know that within emotional intelligence there are several models, and emotional competencies have a b... Emotional Education Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT What importance does emotional education have in children's academic development? There is evidence that emotional competencies contribute to improving attention, capacity, and as a result, academic performance.... Emotional Education Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT How will educating an emotionally intelligent child who knows how to manage their emotions influence their development and adult life? There are already longitudinal studies that have provided evidence of the long-term effects of emotional education: better interpersonal, social, and family relationships; improved perception of well-... Emotional Education Emotional Inteligence Feb 26, 2025
INEEW IT Why is training in emotional education important for future teachers? It is essential. Teachers are in constant contact with people, and the classroom relationship is continually influenced by emotions. For this reason, teachers are the primary recipients of emotional e... Emotional Education Feb 26, 2025