Training in Socio-Emotional Education:
Well-being in Schools
of the State of Hidalgo
The Emotional Education and Well-being Program, promoted by the OEI in collaboration with INEEW, has marked a turning point in the training of 500 educational professionals in the State of Hidalgo.

The Emotional Education and Well-being Program, promoted by the OEI in collaboration with INEEW, has marked a before and after in the training of 500 educational figures in the State of Hidalgo.

500 participants
Over the course of 82 training hours, distributed between June and November 2024, participants had the opportunity to delve into key topics such as the nature of emotions, their impact on health and learning, and the integration of emotional strategies into their educational contexts.
Today, we invite you, as a participant in this program, to share your reflections and learnings. How do you think the program has helped you? How has it transformed your perspective on emotions and their role in education? What impact do you think it will have on your educational practice and the well-being of your community?
Leave us your comments in this space, and together let’s celebrate the progress and learning that are shaping the future of emotional education in Hidalgo. Your experience can inspire others!
Well-being in Schools of the State of Hidalgo