Satisfaction assessment of the Mexico project

Participants' Satisfaction in the Emotional Education Project in the State of Hidalgo (Mexico)

This report presents the evaluations of the individuals who participated in the program, based on a satisfaction survey conducted upon its completion. The objective of this project has been to strengthen essential socio-emotional competencies for the participants' holistic development, enhancing their capacity for emotional self-regulation, interpersonal skills, decision-making, and social adaptation in various contexts.


El proyecto Diseño y Evaluación de Un Modelo de Educación Socioemocional para el Estado de Hidalgo se desarrolló en varias etapas que incluyeron la planificación y detección de necesidades, el desarrollo del modelo de formación, la implementación del programa, y la evaluación a través de un pretest y un postest para medir el impacto en competencias socioemocionales. 

After the completion of the program, participants filled out a satisfaction survey about it, yielding the following results:

Participants' attendance from the beginning of the training and throughout the successive stages:

As shown in the graph, 73.2% of the participants attended all stages of the program, indicating a significant level of participation throughout the entire project.

Satisfaction with the content provided during the different sessions (Rating from 1: Not satisfactory at all to 10: Completely satisfactory)

Regarding satisfaction with the program content, 75.4% of the participants are completely satisfied.

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Satisfaction with the topics covered to promote emotional development (Rating from 1: Not satisfactory at all to 10: Completely satisfactory)

En cuanto a los temas tratados durante la formación, el 84,4% de los participantes reportaron sentirse totalmente satisfechos con los temas tratados para promover el desarrollo socioemocional.

Satisfacción sobre el apoyo obtenido por el equipo de coordinación 
(Puntuación de 1: Nada satisfactorio a 10: Totalmente satisfactorio)

Regarding the level of satisfaction with the coordination team, 73.7% of the participants felt completely satisfied with the support received, while 15.6% felt very satisfied.

(Rating from 1: Not satisfactory at all to 10: Completely satisfactory)

As shown in the graph, 68.8% of the participants were completely satisfied with the practical activities proposed during the various sessions of the program.

Satisfacción sobre la duración de las distintas sesiones 
(Puntuación de 1: Nada satisfactorio a 10: Totalmente satisfactorio)

En cuanto a la duración de las sesiones, el 55,42% de los participantes señalaron sentirse totalmente satisfechos y el 25,4% se sintieron bastante satisfechos con la duración de las mismas para cubrir los temas impartidos de forma efectiva. 

Satisfacción sobre la calidad del material de apoyo
 (Puntuación de 1: Nada satisfactorio a 10: Totalmente satisfactorio)

En lo que respecta al material de apoyo ofrecido, el 62,1% de los participantes se sienten totalmente satisfechos con el material aportado durante todo el proyecto. 

Satisfacción sobre la experiencia personal en el campus virtual
 (Puntuación de 1: Nada satisfactorio a 10: Totalmente satisfactorio)

  Como se puede ver en el gráfico, el 59,4% de los participantes mencionaron sentirse totalmente satisfechos con la experiencia personal a través del campus virtual.

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Satisfaction with the knowledge gained during the different sessions
(Rating from 1: Not satisfactory at all to 10: Completely satisfactory)

As shown in the graph, 47.8% of the participants felt completely satisfied with the knowledge they had acquired for implementing emotional education, while 37.1% felt very satisfied.



Based on the results obtained and presented in this report, it can be concluded that the *Emotional Education Project in the State of Hidalgo* has been satisfactory for the various participants involved. This makes it a suitable and effective training program for acquiring emotional competencies. The findings demonstrate the program’s effectiveness, as evidenced both by participants' evaluations and by the pre-test and post-test results, which showed significant improvements in their emotional competencies.

Satisfaction assessment of the Mexico project
INEEW IT 26 de febrero de 2025
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